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Be still, the iPaddering of my heart, posted by Enrique G

So trying to get started back in the routine of posting again maybe isn’t such a good idea on the verge of a product rollout…

As some of you know, Apple released a new toy this week. You might have seen a thing or two on the news about it. I had made up my mind to refrain from picking up an iPad initially, but I could only avoid succumbing to temptation for a couple of days before I was in line at my local Apple store picking one up.

I’m not tech savvy enough to comment much on the pros and cons of the hardware. I’m a hardcore iPhone user, so the software piece I was already used to. I think the thing I’m finding most interesting about it is the way some developers have used it to rethink the way we consumer media. I think once I find an RSS reader I like for this thing, my time spent with the printed word is going to shoot through the roof again. The Marvel Comics app alone is mind-blowing for how it’s made me look at a medium I thought I knew in a whole new light.

I’ll definitely write more after I’ve had more time to use it, get familiar with it to make up my mind on what I like and what I don’t. But I’m looking forward to the ride with this thing.

And the attention garnered by people coming up to me in this coffee shop asking, “Is that an iPad?” certainly doesn’t hurt :-).