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Category Archives: Free to play

COTB 020 – PAX, Kickstarter, and summer movies


Carlos and Ben give a shout out to their local gaming store before reviewing the Neverwinter beta and the upcoming MMOs from the PAX convention. Then they discuss the upcoming summer comic book movies and discuss Joss Whedon’s reaction to the Veronica Mars Kickstarter.

COTB 019 – Arrows Exiles and Mists of Pandaria


Carlos and Ben welcome back special guest J.J. and new guest host Holly. Together they discuss recent movie news, World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria, Path of Exiles, Fiasco the board game, Civilization the board game, and the Game of Thrones board game.

COTB 013 – Free to play games and Asian horror films


After a long break Carlos and BJ return to wade through a huge collection of free to play video games, then they battle shoddy internet connections (apologies for the rough edit in the middle), and finish with a review of Asian horror movies.