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Category Archives: The Interwebs

COTB 017 – The Halloween Special


Carlos and BJ try to do a Halloween themed podcast but get oddly sidetracked by the Lucas Films purchase by Disney and copyright laws as they try valiantly not to bore the audience to death.

COTB 014 – Geek news all the time


Carlos and B.J. take some time to catch up after taking another extended hiatus. All corners of the geek world are covered as the boys try desperately to discuss as much news as possible without being side tracked by rants and raves. Carlos succeeds in his normal graceful fashion while B.J. begs for a Mass […]

COTB 013 – Free to play games and Asian horror films


After a long break Carlos and BJ return to wade through a huge collection of free to play video games, then they battle shoddy internet connections (apologies for the rough edit in the middle), and finish with a review of Asian horror movies.

Start Kicking….


I thought it might be nice for us to have a place for Basement dwellers to mention stuff they’re kickstarting, or stuff they think others might be interested in Kickstarting. I figure the comments make a reasonable facsimile of a thread….

COTB 009 – Dresden Files and Some Online DM tools


Carlos and Ben review the Dresden Files in novel, comic book, television, and RPG format. Then they talk about the variety of online tools available for running games via a virtual table top or play-by-post campaign.

Dice Tower Awards 2011


Honestly, I almost don’t want to mention this, given that we’re trying to add a board game section to our podcast, and Dice Tower is the king of board game podcasts, but here goes… They have an awards event every year. It’s a bit under promoted for no apparent reason, so here’s a small attempt […]

COTB 001 – Kickstarter and Superman Grounded


Carlos and I cover the purpose of Coming out of the Basement, give a brief intro of each other and our geek credentials, then talk about Kick Starter and Superman Grounded (We can’t help ourselves and delve into the new 52 briefly).

Gawker Hacked


So if you use any of the Gawker sites- Kotaku, io9, Gizmodo, Jezebel, Lifehacker, etc.- you may have received an email address from expressing their shock and dismay that Gawker hadn’t publicized the fact that they were hacked, and 1.2ish million accounts potentially compromised. Since the email seems a bit shady- and I […]

MMockery 3: The last easy post


And here’s part 3, which is the last of the parts.  It’s even more specifically related to MxO.  And also the last of my gimmie posts.  If I’m gonna hit my “3 posts a week” metric, I’m gonna have to start being original now.  Bugger. This one was written 2 months after the others.  In […]

Mmockery: MxO: The coloning


As threatened, part 2.  Reading Part 1 is recommended but not required.  This one was written a week later.  It’s far more directly related to MxO. When last we left Firbolg, he was standing over a body, rummaging its pockets for stuff. Things haven’t changed a lot in a week. More bodies, more rummaging, and […]