I’ve started playing Netrunner again. This time, rather than the CCG that I played with Kurt back in our ancient college days, it’s Android: Netrunner, made by Fantasy Flight Games (who I freakin’ love), and it’s a living card game. Which in essence means that it’s a lot cheaper, and easier to keep up. As per […]
In which I talk about everything I’m playing, in hopes someone will be interested.
The second chapter of “We live” finds Carlos, JJ, and Ben discussing a variety of games including Shadowrun Returns, Adventures of Van Helsing, Rift, and Wildstar. Then they switch gears briefly to discuss the Carrion Crown Adventure Path for Pathfinder, specifically the Haunting of Harrowstone (the first module of the series). After that they have […]
Also filed in Adventures of Van Helsing, Carrion Crown, ComiCon, Haunting of Harrowstone, Kickstarter, Marvel Heroes, Midgard, Pathfinder, Podcast, PS4, Rift, RPG, Shadowrun Returns, Temple of Elemental Evil, Trial of the Beast, Video Games, WildStar, Wish I Was Here, Xbox One
Carlos and Ben celebrate their one year anniversary by recalling their epic weekend at ChimeraCon. After that they cover some interesting Kickstarter projects and discuss some recent movies before teasing the next episode regarding Bioshock Infinite.
Also filed in Board games, ChimeraCon, Comics, Cosplay, Kickstarter, Mass Effect, Movies, Neverwinter, Podcast, RPG, Technology, Video Games, WildStar
Carlos and Ben give a shout out to their local gaming store before reviewing the Neverwinter beta and the upcoming MMOs from the PAX convention. Then they discuss the upcoming summer comic book movies and discuss Joss Whedon’s reaction to the Veronica Mars Kickstarter.
Also filed in Comics, Dungeons and Dragons Online, Elder Scrolls Online, Free to play, General, Kickstarter, Mass Effect, Mothership books and games, Movies, Neverwinter, PAX, Podcast, Reviews, Star Trek Online, WildStar
Carlos and Ben welcome back special guest J.J. and new guest host Holly. Together they discuss recent movie news, World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria, Path of Exiles, Fiasco the board game, Civilization the board game, and the Game of Thrones board game.
Also filed in Arrow, Civ Board Game, Free to play, Kickstarter, Movies, Path of Exile, Podcast, RPG, Star Wars, Television, Video Games, World of Warcraft
After a small break Carlos and B.J. return for a Christmas review of gift ideas for the geek in your family. Along the way they talk Justice League speculation, the new Superman and Star Trek trailers, and engage in various other geeky topics.
Also filed in Anime, Batman, Board games, Books, Comics, Guild Wars, Horror, Japan, Kickstarter, Movies, Podcast, Reviews, RPG, Science Fiction, Superman, Technology, The Walking Dead, Video Games
Carlos and BJ wax philosophical about the weather and wedding anniversaries before diving into recent geek news. BJ pleads for some help with a new campaign idea and is upset with Carlos for not making him aware of a very special Kickstarter campaign.
Also filed in Batman, Books, Comics, Kickstarter, Mass Effect, Podcast, RPG, Science Fiction, Technology, Television, Video Games
Carlos and B.J. take some time to catch up after taking another extended hiatus. All corners of the geek world are covered as the boys try desperately to discuss as much news as possible without being side tracked by rants and raves. Carlos succeeds in his normal graceful fashion while B.J. begs for a Mass […]
After a long break Carlos and BJ return to wade through a huge collection of free to play video games, then they battle shoddy internet connections (apologies for the rough edit in the middle), and finish with a review of Asian horror movies.