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Category Archives: Neverwinter

On competition, card games, and Netrunner in particular


I’ve started playing Netrunner again. This time, rather than the CCG that I played with Kurt back in our ancient college days, it’s Android: Netrunner, made by Fantasy Flight Games (who I freakin’ love), and it’s a living card game.  Which in essence means that it’s a lot cheaper, and easier to keep up. As per […]

COTB 021 – The one year anniversary episode


Carlos and Ben celebrate their one year anniversary by recalling their epic weekend at ChimeraCon. After that they cover some interesting Kickstarter projects and discuss some recent movies before teasing the next episode regarding Bioshock Infinite.

COTB 020 – PAX, Kickstarter, and summer movies


Carlos and Ben give a shout out to their local gaming store before reviewing the Neverwinter beta and the upcoming MMOs from the PAX convention. Then they discuss the upcoming summer comic book movies and discuss Joss Whedon’s reaction to the Veronica Mars Kickstarter.