I’ve started playing Netrunner again. This time, rather than the CCG that I played with Kurt back in our ancient college days, it’s Android: Netrunner, made by Fantasy Flight Games (who I freakin’ love), and it’s a living card game. Which in essence means that it’s a lot cheaper, and easier to keep up. As per […]
A couple spoilery discussions for Walking Dead Season 2, Episode 1.
In which I talk about everything I’m playing, in hopes someone will be interested.
In which I write a much darker Frozen.
I’m returning from a long hiatus, to post this vastly important message. I am extremely excited about Destiny, the upcoming persistent world shooter from Bungie. It’s a post-apocalyptic, dudes in future-tech with guns fighting aliens movie. The classes are things like “Warlock” and “Titan” and “Hunter.” That’s about what I need in a game. So […]
So, I took a look at Green Ronin’s Song of Fire and Ice Roleplaying Game. I’m actually pretty interested. It’s actually fairly unique (at least among the systems I know) in mechanics. It’s sort of like a lot of things, but doesn’t match any of them. It’s mainly based on attributes, which is fairly true […]
I thought it might be nice for us to have a place for Basement dwellers to mention stuff they’re kickstarting, or stuff they think others might be interested in Kickstarting. I figure the comments make a reasonable facsimile of a thread….
In which I am made very very angrysad by Microsoft.
Honestly, I almost don’t want to mention this, given that we’re trying to add a board game section to our podcast, and Dice Tower is the king of board game podcasts, but here goes… They have an awards event every year. It’s a bit under promoted for no apparent reason, so here’s a small attempt […]
Over the past 4 years, I’ve gone from a board game fan to a true believer. Perhaps even a *Hobbyist*, gods forbid. And it’s a great time to be gamer, thanks to technology. I think.