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Category Archives: The Interwebs

Stealing ideas (aka MMockery, a play on MMO and Mockery)


A sort of in-characterish send up of an MMO, or another game, or what have you. It’s not strictly in character – it’s more me editorializing about it, and imagining things about the character in game.

Just in case you needed another reason to love the internet

20-Sep-09 Question: How many people are in space right now? Answer: 6



Henry found the coolest thing I’ve seen on the internet this month… And that includes a Flickr set of mugshots from the 40s full of the downtrodden dregs of humanity… I give you, ZOMBARITAVILLE! It’s those songs you just can’t claw out of out of your head, rewritten for the undead who just want claw […]

Time wasters.


So I’m sitting here at work with nothing to do and probably nothing to do for the rest of the day. It’s got me wondering. What do all of you do to waste time in those down periods at the office? I want to hear about stuff you do at work that sort of looks […]

Found on the Internets


There’s some great stuff out there… Most of it is profane. All of it is funny to someone, somewhere.

‘Ware the anger of video game widows


Dee made a post about a woman named Jillian R, a “Phoenix Early Childhood Parenting Examiner” (citizen reporter, in other words) who posted what amounted to a rant on video game players and how they ignore families.  My first impression was this is a woman who has dealt with being a “video game widow” in […]

Trek yoself (b4 you wreck yoself)


So the hubby and I have been having hours of fun with this today. you should too!

Texas Geeks Know Sam Houston > Rick Perry


Anyone who knows me understands that I’m one of those annoying Texans who really digs being a Texan. I blame my parents. You see, I actually grew up in rural Texas. So we had horses, cows, cattle guards, and dirt roads. Not that I lived on some big glorious ranch. More like ten acres of […]

WordPress RSS feeds are the devil


An hour ago, Mike mentioned wanting to link to a post on a FaceBook profile he’s about to create. The context of his question was such that it had nothing to do with where I took it. Mike wanted to know if anyone would be annoyed because the Basement is looking a little shabby at […]