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Category Archives: Movies

COTB 014 – Geek news all the time


Carlos and B.J. take some time to catch up after taking another extended hiatus. All corners of the geek world are covered as the boys try desperately to discuss as much news as possible without being side tracked by rants and raves. Carlos succeeds in his normal graceful fashion while B.J. begs for a Mass […]

COTB 013 – Free to play games and Asian horror films


After a long break Carlos and BJ return to wade through a huge collection of free to play video games, then they battle shoddy internet connections (apologies for the rough edit in the middle), and finish with a review of Asian horror movies.

COTB 012 – All Zombies all the time special


Carlos, Ben, and special guest host Scott discuss Zombies in popular culture and their impact on movies, television, books, and video games. Ben and Scott then go off on the new modification for Arma II called Day Z and explain that despite its many (MANY) flaws that it’s one of the best Zombies games ever […]

A Child’s Vision of Hell: The Black Hole


I originally wrote this for my own personal blog, which I’ve revived.  But it seemed like it belonged here too. I had been wanting to write more but couldn’t really think of anything else to write about today until I saw the news in my FB feed that Ernest Borgnine had died at the age […]

COTB 011 – The All Star Wars Special


For a topic so massive in scope, Carlos and BJ call in their backup expert JJ to help them analyze all things Star Wars related. All manner of Star wars geekdom is discussed, including the Movies, anime, books, video games, television, and role-playing games.

COTB 007 – Game Master tips and classic anime


Carlos and Ben discuss the Tupac hologram, the Avengers movie domination, tips and tricks for new game masters, and great anime suggestions.

COTB 005 – Guild Wars 2 and Tables Top Games


Carlos and BJ discuss the upcoming Guild Wars 2 massive multi-player online role playing game and the sea of table top games out there. Special thanks for Terrence Vitali for helping clean up the audio file (we’ll get Carlos’s mic fixed for the next episode).

COTB 004 – The All Avengers Special


Carlos and BJ cover the Avengers vs. X-Men comic event and then discuss the epic Avengers movie soon to be released in the States.

Sexism in Geek Culture, with a look at Comics


In the most recent Coming Out of the Basement Podcast, we discuss sexism in geek culture, with a bit of a closer look at comics (along with the Mass Effect 3 ending). For the first subject, I had enough sources and examples that I thought it made sense to do a post on the topic. […]

COTB 001 – Kickstarter and Superman Grounded


Carlos and I cover the purpose of Coming out of the Basement, give a brief intro of each other and our geek credentials, then talk about Kick Starter and Superman Grounded (We can’t help ourselves and delve into the new 52 briefly).