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I think you may be missing the point here….


There’s a story in the local paper. It’s a few paragraphs long, but it can be summarized as thus: Wolf populations are on the rise in WI. Wolves are eating deer. Hunters shot less deer. The logical conclusion? Wolf hunts. ……………… I…. It’s….you see….deer….wolves….hunters are…. I can’t even really begin to address this. But it’s […]

A quick little rant


If you don’t know how to use the words, don’t use them. People are not impressed when you use words with 3 syllables simply to use big words. This is doubly true when you use it *wrong.* Don’t use query when you mean question. It just calls out that you want to sound smart. And […]

Bah. Humbug.


One of my guildies recently posed a question that boiled down to “Is it weird for a 42 year old guy to play DnD with 20 year olds?”  He wanted to get back in to gaming, didn’t have a group, signed up for the friendly local Comic Book Store’s open gaming.  Group was young, his […]

Comics are dumb


I know, we’re geeks, we like comics. But man, reading about them just makes me feel bad.  I ended up on Wikipedia today, looking for Mr. Mxyzptlk information, and ended up reading the summary.  And it’s awful.  So much bizarreness.  My favorite lines follow:

Ada Lovelace day


Today is Ada Lovelace day.  Presumably it’s her birthday, which is why it’s her day.  I’m too lazy to google it. Ada Lovelace was, arguably, the first programmer.  She wrote the algorithms that Babbage’s difference engine ran on. The day is being used to promote/celebrate women in technology and such.  Which is good.  But it […]

Gadget Lust


Okay, I finally get it. Until now, I’ve never really had gadget lust. I’ve liked some stuff, but there’s never been anything I’ve wanted to hug and pet. I like my 360 and my laptop, but that’s really because I play games on them. Now I have a Droid. Perhaps iPhone users feel this way, […]

MMockery 3: The last easy post


And here’s part 3, which is the last of the parts.  It’s even more specifically related to MxO.  And also the last of my gimmie posts.  If I’m gonna hit my “3 posts a week” metric, I’m gonna have to start being original now.  Bugger. This one was written 2 months after the others.  In […]

Mmockery: MxO: The coloning


As threatened, part 2.  Reading Part 1 is recommended but not required.  This one was written a week later.  It’s far more directly related to MxO. When last we left Firbolg, he was standing over a body, rummaging its pockets for stuff. Things haven’t changed a lot in a week. More bodies, more rummaging, and […]

Stealing ideas (aka MMockery, a play on MMO and Mockery)


A sort of in-characterish send up of an MMO, or another game, or what have you. It’s not strictly in character – it’s more me editorializing about it, and imagining things about the character in game.

I think we may all be dead


Cause we sure as hell aren’t posting. ;) I have a follow up building to paying for games, based around the fact that there are a fair chunk of good, free MMOs out there. But yeah….