Carlos and BJ wax philosophical about the weather and wedding anniversaries before diving into recent geek news. BJ pleads for some help with a new campaign idea and is upset with Carlos for not making him aware of a very special Kickstarter campaign.
Also filed in Batman, Books, Comics, Kickstarter, Mass Effect, RPG, Science Fiction, Tabletop Games, Technology, Television, Video Games
Carlos and B.J. take some time to catch up after taking another extended hiatus. All corners of the geek world are covered as the boys try desperately to discuss as much news as possible without being side tracked by rants and raves. Carlos succeeds in his normal graceful fashion while B.J. begs for a Mass […]
After a long break Carlos and BJ return to wade through a huge collection of free to play video games, then they battle shoddy internet connections (apologies for the rough edit in the middle), and finish with a review of Asian horror movies.
Carlos, Ben, and special guest host Scott discuss Zombies in popular culture and their impact on movies, television, books, and video games. Ben and Scott then go off on the new modification for Arma II called Day Z and explain that despite its many (MANY) flaws that it’s one of the best Zombies games ever […]
For a topic so massive in scope, Carlos and BJ call in their backup expert JJ to help them analyze all things Star Wars related. All manner of Star wars geekdom is discussed, including the Movies, anime, books, video games, television, and role-playing games.
A review of the popularity of My Little Pony and the creation of Bronies (Ben then surrenders his mancard) followed by some Batman talk to cleanse the palate.
Carlos and Ben review the Dresden Files in novel, comic book, television, and RPG format. Then they talk about the variety of online tools available for running games via a virtual table top or play-by-post campaign.
For the first time Carlos and Ben have 3 guest hosts on the podcast to discuss board games and League of Legends. It may be a crowded room, but there’s a diverse experience where it comes to the hobby with this group (except for League of Legends, which is apparently the only MOBA game they […]
Carlos and Ben discuss the Tupac hologram, the Avengers movie domination, tips and tricks for new game masters, and great anime suggestions.
Carlos and BJ cover the world of geek music and then spend some time discussing the recent news and changes coming from Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition.