In the last podcast we mentioned BJ’s new D&D setup. Check out a few quick photos after the break.
Carlos and Ben review the Dresden Files in novel, comic book, television, and RPG format. Then they talk about the variety of online tools available for running games via a virtual table top or play-by-post campaign.
Carlos and Ben discuss the Tupac hologram, the Avengers movie domination, tips and tricks for new game masters, and great anime suggestions.
Carlos and BJ cover the world of geek music and then spend some time discussing the recent news and changes coming from Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition.
Carlos and BJ discuss the upcoming Guild Wars 2 massive multi-player online role playing game and the sea of table top games out there. Special thanks for Terrence Vitali for helping clean up the audio file (we’ll get Carlos’s mic fixed for the next episode).
In the most recent Coming Out of the Basement Podcast, we discuss sexism in geek culture, with a bit of a closer look at comics (along with the Mass Effect 3 ending). For the first subject, I had enough sources and examples that I thought it made sense to do a post on the topic. […]
Like I mentioned in our just-released Episode 2, I’m not nearly as good as self-promotion or promotion as BJ is. :P A book I worked on actually came out the day we did our first podcast, but I felt a bit odd about bringing it up (so didn’t): Open Design’s Midgard Bestiary for Pathfinder, with […]
Carlos and I cover the purpose of Coming out of the Basement, give a brief intro of each other and our geek credentials, then talk about Kick Starter and Superman Grounded (We can’t help ourselves and delve into the new 52 briefly).
Cripes, it’s Christmas already. What’s going on? Well, here’s gift suggestions- maybe for your geek friends, maybe for you. Of course, I expect lots of folks around these parts are playing Skyrim or Star Wars: The Old Republic. I’m certainly doing the latter at the moment. The only problem looking at those as gifts is […]
Referring to D&D, of course… I suspect it’s close- within the next couple of years. Rich Baker has had a couple of interesting Rule of Three columns, where he (and other designers) reflect on different parts of 4th edition. Baker mentions that powers between different classes seem very similar, which has definitely been a complaint […]
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